Testream®/CS is designed to be more than just something companies add onto their existing automation system. Testream®/CS’s two-way interface will automatically import data from any existing MES/LIMS database you are using including Sample IDs, Production Specifications and test results from outside Testream®/CS.

This two-way interface ensures that all of your quality limits and other important information is always standardized across all systems. Testream®/CS can act as either the central database for this information or simply pull the data from an existing database.


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Easy Submission of Sample IDs

There are many ways a sample may be identified to Testream®/CS prior to testing. Anyone with a copy of the Testream®/CS Sample ID Entry client application program (testers in the lab, production personnel on the machine floor, or researchers throughout the research facility) can submit new samples to Testream®/CS.

In addition, other information systems already aware of a sample (e.g., production systems and LIMS systems) can automatically route the appropriate IDs to the Testream®/CS Server program—eliminating keyboard entry of sample IDs altogether.

Sample IDs may be entered directly into the Testream®/CS Interface Application program prior to testing. Users are given the option to store the entered IDs locally within that Interface Application only, or to send the IDs to the Testream®/CS Server program for broadcast to all other Interface Application programs.

User-Defined sample IDs

The customer determines the identifiers assigned to a sample when setting up a Testream®/CS system. Production labs typically use IDs such as reel number, machine number, production date/time, grade code, run number, set number, order number, roll number, and so on. Research labs use such values as project number, submitter’s number, and department ID.

Downloaded to the Testream®/CS Interface Application Programs

Once sample IDs are received at the Testream®/CS Lab Server, they are automatically made available to all Interface Application programs defined in the system. Each Interface Application stores and displays the IDs for up to 200 different samples. By “broadcasting” sample IDs, Testream®/CS frees you from the chore of repetitively entering them at each test station. With Testream®/CS, you don’t have to create bar code labels or perform any sort of ‘set up’ activity prior to beginning testing. You are only required to highlight the desired sample ID from the lists displayed and begin testing. For example, within a typical mill system, reel turn-up information flows directly from the production system to the interface Application programs automatically.

Multiple Laboratory Support

One Testream®/CS Lab Server can be used to automate more than one type of laboratory through its support of multiple sample ID types. For example, a paper mill’s dry lab might define its samples by reel number and paper machine number. The wet lab, however, defines its samples by the date and time of testing as well as the sample’s point of origin. Both ID schemes are easily accommodated in one Testream®/CS configuration, by directing Testream®/CS to download the different sample ID types to different Interface Application programs depending upon their location in the mill.